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Focus Group for Pitch

 Using Microsoft Teams the HNC group was able to set up a focus group meeting in which we pitched our music video to each other and offered each other feedback in order to improve our ideas. We each spent around 15 minutes talking about our individual ideas and offered our honest opinions. I believe this was a valuable research method, the sample of people within the focus group was effective as all the individuals are currently studying music video production therefore, everyone has an interest in what is going on and were able to offer feedback which can greatly improve the production. The goal of the meeting was to pitch our ideas and find ways to improve them, we was successful at achieving this goal, I believe one way in which we could have improved the pitch was to have pre-prepared questions ready to ask each other about the production in order to offer a chance to gather better more in depth research. Below I have attached a recording of our pitch meeting as evidence. 

Within the meeting I was able to pitch my idea for the song "Do I Wanna Know" by the Arctic Monkeys, I was given a lot of valuable feedback on how I could structure the video, I was also offered advice on how I could incorporate specific editing techniques which I was inspired to use from Bruno Mars' music video for "Locked out of Heaven". I found this meeting very helpful, as you can see in the video, my pitch post was not fully complete during the time of the meeting, since that meeting I have been able to add a full analysis of the lyrics with a short summary of what type of shot could be used to compliment the lyrics. The meeting helped me outline all my ideas, being able to speak to a group of people also helped me understand my idea better myself as it gave me a better idea of what I was actually producing. I believe this focus group although helpful, was inconclusive and badly planned therefore, I plan to conduct a second focus group which has a specific goal in mind with specific questions to ask the participants. 


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