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 Gannt Chart 

I have created a Gannt chart in order to plan out my the production/planning/editing/evaluating of the production. I have made sure to space everything out and give myself realistic timescales to finish each and every task. The tasks have been split into different sections in order to keep it organised and to show a better visual representation of which tasks should be started first. The first section is planning, I have put this first as you must plan a video before you can produce it, the planning section contains all the tasks which I believe relate to planning for example, analysing music videos, researching music videos theories, analysing the song I want to produce and create all relevant documents such as storyboards. The next section is productions, the sections contains all actions I must take in relation to shooting the video for example, finding equipment, actors and props needed, shooting the video, watching footage back and shooting more footage if necessary. The next section is related to editing and it encompasses tasks such as editing draft music video, final music video and writing posts about the editing process and decisions made. Finally the last section is evaluation, this section encompasses evaluating the planning aspect, organisation and final product. All the sections have been colour code in order to make the section easily distinguishable. I believe this Gannt chart has been very helpful at keeping me organised however, I have missed off a couple tasks related to planning such as creating a pitch, creating a questionnaire, and creating a focus group, I have completed all of these tasks either way however, it would be helpful if they was on my Gannt chart as well.
