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Production Schedule

 I have created a production schedule in the form of a Gantt chart, I have used this format as it gives me a visual representation of the timeframe I need to be working with. I have also added a progress tracking feature which I will update every Monday which will show you how much progress I have made with completing each individual task. Currently, I have placed my target dates to start and finish each item on the schedule however, I will amend the schedule to show what I have actually been able to produce in the timeframe set.

Gantt Chart No.1

Gantt Chart No.2 

We made some progress this week. We are behind schedule in some aspects however we have time to catch up. We have made great progress in the communication aspect with both the client and the target audience. We seem to be fairly on schedule with the planning aspect of the brief. 

Gantt Chart No.3 

Currently, I have completed 3 tasks, I am in the process of completing another 7 tasks which have been started. There are two tasks which I have not began which I should have however, I am confident I can complete them later rather than trying to juggle too many tasks and producing less thorough and good quality work.

Production Schedule No.4

I have found it slightly difficult to stick to the production schedule, I have pilled too many tasks on to do at the same time making it difficult to manage. I believe it is best if I set some task back as I have barely any tasks to complete within the last week and too many to complete now. I am still confident I can get all the work complete on time however, I believe I wasn't being realistic enough with the timescales set for some of the tasks at hand; many aspects of the production are intertwined therefore you may have to go back through and add more to different sections depending on the decisions you make during the planning process.

Production Schedule No.5

Since last updating my production schedule last week I have made a lot of progress. I believe that overall when creating my Gantt chart I should of been more realistic with my time scales, I didn't give myself enough time to complete some of my task as there was so many stacked together. I now have near enough all tasks complete for the planning of the production. Everything should be finished on time to discuss the final plans with the client.  


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