Analysis of Song Meaning Hozier's song Take Me To Church talks about the how religion can be harmful to people in society. Specifically, the main message behind this song is based on homophobia caused by religions shaming people. Stumme, C. suggests that Hozier's song comes in two parts at first he speaks of his adoration for a female lover and then "the indictment of the church". We can see Hozier's adoration for an imaginary lover within the first stanza in which he says "She's the giggle at a funeral" and "I should've worshipped her sooner", this female in my opinion is a representation of a pagan god, "Knows everybody's disapproval" suggests she can see all sins however, the fact she "giggles at a funeral" suggests she is a juxtaposition of normal religion, she endorses sinning. She is the god that the artist wants to worship which can be seen when he says "Sunday's getting more bleak" suggestin...